Golden Milk is a highly nourishing, grounding, and comforting drink made of milk (or milk alternative), warming spices, and sweetener of your choice. Drinking it boosts your ojas. What is ojas? Ojas is considered by ayurveda to be one of the three super refined essences of the body that is responsible for immunity and overall vitality. While I don’t make it much in summertime, in fall I make it almost daily.


Note: If you are sensitive to milk, but not actually allergic to it, try it in this recipe. Ayurveda teaches that boiling milk makes it way easier to digest. You can adjust the ratio of milk to water. If you are using a milk alternative such as coconut or almond milk, you can skip the step where you bring it to boiling three times and just heat it to your desired drinking temperature.

How to Make It:

Boil good filtered water with a healthy pinch of fresh or powdered ginger, cinnamon, turmeric, smaller dash of cardamom and/or cloves. Sometimes I add a bit of saffron and/or shatavari powder too. Once it's simmered for a few minutes, add some milk, so the ratio is about 1-1. Then WATCH CLOSELY and bring the milk up to boiling point 3 times (bring to boiling point, turn to low, repeat twice more). Then turn it off. Add sweetener of your choice. If your sweetener is honey (my preference) you have to let it cool until you can put your finger in without burning (ayurveda teaches that honey turns toxic when cooked). Another option is to strain it into the blender and add a date or 2 so it gets the warm date flavor and the frothiness of the blender. Yummm!